Make More Saves in the Third Period

Manage Neck Muscle Endurance with Neck Strengthening Exercises you can do at home.

$19 / Month
What our clients say:
Walter Zacher, D1 Athlete

This training program helped keep me on the ice all season. No major concussions this season, allowing me to play more games and set our franchise scoring record.

R.J. Gicewicz, Hockey Director

When we started Merit, I had already had 3 guys with concussions on our team. We ended the season with no concussions. We didn't lose any players to injury all year.

Addison Zacher, JR Hockey

I punched a lot of people and got punched back for over 50 games. Didn't get a concussion.

What Advantages will you see with the Concussion Prevention Protocol?

1. Lower Concussion Risk

MERIT applies best-practice sport science from 77 research papers to ensure that we reduce as much risk around concussions as we can.

2. You'll be Better at your Sport

Your ability to track the play will improve significantly. As you strengthen your neck and your brain, your ability to visually track the play will improve. The result will be better on-field performance.

3. Save Money on Supplements

There are a million different supplements out there, don't waste your money. Merit will give you the best supplementation guidance based on science to improve performance, increase lean muscle, and reduce concussion risk.

4. Better Movement Mechanics

Your body's movement follows your eyes. The neck program will improve your brain's ability to visually track the play, resulting in better athletic movement.

5. You Won't Get Hurt Training

No shortcuts on this programming. We've spent 14 months and thousands of dollars to make sure that this programming is completely safe.

6. Better Recovery

You'll recover from your workouts and games faster. MERIT incorporates best practice recovery monitoring which leads to better recovery habits.

Reduce Concussion Risk with Applied Sport Science and Tech

Based on 80 studies on concussion prevention, our sports science team has identified the highest leverage activities associated with reduced concussion risk.

View Research

What is included in the protocol?

1. Neck Training with No Equipment

The bedrock of the program. All athletes start training the neck with no equipment required.

2. Neck Training with Equipment

If you have a neck harness or wish to purchase one, our program can provide programming specific to your equipment.

3. Supplementation Guidance

You will get best-practice, research-backed supplementation guidance on Day 1 to prevent concussions. All recommendations should be verified with your physician for safety.

4. Mobile App for Personalization

All programming is shared via mobile application for better program personalization and data tracking.

5. Neck Testing

If you want to measure neck strength for program efficacy, we have safe and effective neck testing protocols to monitor strength improvements.

6. Sleep Tracking

We implement sleep tracking as a safeguard against undetected concussions.

Concussion Money-Back guarantee

If you get a concussion after 2 months of this program, we will fully reimburse your fee. Valid for one season.

$19 / Month
Stop Concussions

Frequently Asked Questions

What Makes this Work?

We've sourced hundreds of studies to find those with the highest correlation with reduced concussion risk (feel free to view the research aboive). Then, we combined all this research into a protocol that can be layered into an athlete's training without taking too much additional time.

Will I Really Get My Money Back if I Get a Concussion?

Yes, 100%. We made this to reduce concussion risk as much as possible. There isn't a protocol that is better for concussion reduction and we wanted to stake our names on it. No one who has followed this protocol has gotten a concussion. Our accountants are making us restrict it to one full season. If it was up to us, we would guarantee it for life.

What Makes You Qualified to Make These Promises?

Our founder, Will, has over 5 years' experience in Strength and Conditioning where he worked with coaches in all four professional leagues on training algorithms. He hired the sport science consultants that pro sports use. They researched and built this solution for his younger brothers. Turns out, it works really well.

How do you Deliver the Programming?

All programming is delivered digitally via mobile app. After purchase, you will receive the link to download the app and it will come pre-loaded with your training. Additionally, you will take a supplementation intake questionnaire to assess which supplements are best for you.

Control your Cranium

Stay on the field, court, or ice with a strong, research-backed concussion protocol. If you have a concussion, send us the doctor's note and we will refund all your money.

$19 / month
Buy Protocol